Sunday, October 22, 2006

Splinter Cell Multiplayer Overview

For the most part, my whole weekend was spent playing Splinter Cell. For the majority of the time I played the multi-player portion of the game, but also touched lightly on the cooperative challenges, and the single player. All three portions of the game, I heavily enjoyed.

The multi-player portion of all the Splinter Cell games has always been my favorite part about these games. Although, I felt that Chaos Theory did fall behind in that department when comparing it to Pandora Tomorrow it still retained its unique style. Double Agent is excellent, and Ubisoft did a fantastic job in making sure that this game was balanced, and that the game play would not get to stale.

All the multi-player maps are excellent in architecture, and quite complex. This was a big improvement from Chaos Theory in my opinion, due to the lack of good maps that were found in the game. The changes made to both the spy and the mercenary are extremely fitting, in most cases. The spy is now forced to play much more stealthy, as opposed to acting like a ninja, or something of that nature. You now have no weapon, and can only carry one piece of equipment at a time:

  • Smoke Grenades: Slows down mercenary movement, and can help to confuse the enemy. Slowing down mercenary movement, can in turn help to allow the spy to crack the targets neck. This locomotive slowdown, could also allow for a quick getaway.

  • Flash bang Grenades: Blinds the enemy in a very effective manner, usually allowing for a quick neck break. The flash bangs in Double Agent are much more effective then the ones found in the predecessors.

  • Syringe: The syringe is essentially a means of healing in the game. The previous games in the series allowed to heal at a med kit, but that is no more found in Double Agent. Also, in Chaos Theory you could regenerate health, if you stood still, this is also not found in Double Agent. The only means of healing, is through the syringe. You can use the syringes on yourself, or on a teammate. This is extremely useful, when you cannot make it back to the spawn to get some syringes.

  • Jammers: In Double Agent, mercenary's discover the spy through a sensor found on the bottom of the H.U.D (Heads up display). Depending on the proximity to the spy, the sensor on screen will pulse more frequently, and the force feedback will rumble more violently. The jammer tricks the mercenary's sensor into thinking that there is a spy near, when planted. This is useful, for setting up an attacking on a terminal.

The listed equipment above is given to the spy in a supply of three. You only get three of each; however, you can go back to the spawn and pick up more.

Not that the spy has a new a hacking device, you are not need to be tethered to a laptop, like in previous games. You can now hack a terminal, at a longer distance, but this distance comes with a price. The closer to the terminal you are the quicker you can hack it, thus providing you with the files quicker. You can also get files from all four terminals, as opposed to simply one. This helps in giving you much more choice. This hacking device, is taken out by holding the R-Trigger, and can be used for more than just hacking files from a terminal. You can also use the hacking device, to disable lights, or even neutralize a mercenary.

The spy also has a variety of new acrobatic moves. From leaping through a window, to flipping up into the ceiling. This spy is the ultimate weapon when it comes to athletics and other acrobatic skills. These moves can usually be initiated by using the R-Bumper, when near one of the targeted action areas. There is some timing involved, so this will take some practice.

The mercenary, is now a much different entity. Here is a list of all the differences that I can remember:

  • Drastically increased look speed and walk speed
  • Bull rushing can now be used to sprint (Approx. 5 Seconds)
  • Three grenades, and two drones at disposal. Drones can be used to get into tight quarters, and other places the mercenary cannot get to. Drone has 3 second fuse, and blows up upon countdown. Grenades and drones can be refilled at spawn.
  • Armed with one fully automatic rifle, with scope. Similar to rifle in Pandora Tomorrow.
  • Flashlight and EMP (Electromagentic Pulse). Flashlight, is used to light areas. Radius of the flashlight can be adjusted using the D-Pad. EMP can be used to find spies when they are hacking, or doing other similar actions. Merc needs to be standing still for this to work.
  • Mercenary has a sensor that can be found on the bottom of the H.U.D. Sensor will start to pulsate once near a spy. Pulse will strengthen when spy is closer.
  • Beserk still present. Click the L-Analog to perform
  • Now can hook onto rails, to get to lower area. Perform, by pressing A button when next to a rail.
That for the moment is all I can remember off the top of my head. Hopefully that will give an idea as to how much change is present in this game, from previous games in the series. I will eventually do a write up on the cooperative challenges, and the single player once I play through all the content. I know this write up was a bit sloopy, but hopefully it was informative.

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